Learn the missing ingredient that will help you reach REAL income, impact & freedom - like you see in other successful entrepreneurs!

Join the Free Video Series & Live event to learn …

The Foolproof Way to a 7 Figure Mindset
 (The ONLY Way to 
Fast Forward Business Growth)

The Foolproof Way to a 7 Figure Mindset (The ONLY Way to Fast Forward Business Growth)

Join us September 18-20, 2023 @ 10am PST / 1pm EST

The ONLY way to get off that income plateau is to learn to THINK like a 7 Figure Biz owner. 
I will teach you EXACTLY what we do & think as 7 Figure Business owners to attract limitless leads, create irresistible offers, and skyrocket sales.
This is ONLY for 1 type of person:
Action Takers & Success Seekers – Ambitious Entrepreneurs who are committed to their growth and willing to do whatever it takes.
Ditch the Roadblocks when you join me in this FREE 3-Day Challenge to learn:
Why all the marketing strategies aren’t taking you to 7-figure status.
The main difference between you and those thriving 7-figure entrepreneurs isn’t your offer, market, or strategy. 
You will learn the ONLY missing piece keeping you from hitting 6 or 7 figures and beyond.
The thoughts, actions, and skills of 7-figure entrepreneurs.
Rewiring your brain is essential to scaling your business to the level you’ve always dreamed of. You’re stuck at your current income, impact, and success level – even though you’re working longer hours and harder than ever – because your brain is holding you back!
How you can achieve a year’s worth of business growth in just 67 days.
When you think like a 7 Figure Entrepreneur, you don’t have to stay stuck in the slow lane. It’s time to FAST TRACK your results and experience exponential growth.
.. And so much more!

After working with 238,931+ coaches, creators & entrepreneurs, I’m excited to reveal the brain science of success (yes, we’re about to get geeky!)... so you can recognize and eliminate the hidden blocks that hold you back from making the type of impact and money you’ve dreamed about for years

This is easier than you think – you can do it at any age!

If I know anything about the entrepreneurs I serve, it’s that they have big dreams and big goals.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t automatically translate to big results.
Can you relate? 
Let me guess – you’ve learned all the strategies, taken all the courses, listened to all the gurus…
And now it’s over halfway through 2023, and you’ve made some progress but you’re not going nearly as fast as you want to!
In the process, you’ve pushed other things – and people – you love aside – leaving you feeling burned out, unfulfilled, and STUCK.
There’s a better way! And it’s a SKILL you can LEARN.
Here’s the thing you need to know: you can’t outperform your subconscious. 
You can’t outhustle it and you can’t buy enough courses to correct it. 
You must train your brain to allow success and remove the blocks and patterns that have been holding you back!
That 7-figure status isn’t as far away as you think.
And it’s easier to get there than you think it is…
Join me in this 3-day event and learn exactly how to do it!

Ready To Fundamentally Change How You View Success, Setbacks, and Every Step In Between – so you can Unleash Your Inner 7-Figure Entrepreneur?

Here’s What You Get When You Join This 3-Day Challenge:

LIVE Daily Daily Trainings on the Brain Science of Success 
Join me LIVE each day on Zoom, where you’ll learn the proven, brain-based framework that’s been the cornerstone of countless 7-figure success stories, and you’ll get a front-row seat to all of it! 
$940 VALUE
The Unleashed Entrepreneur Event Workbook
This is an ACTION-based workshop, and this workbook shows you step-by-step how to implement this new way of thinking.
$450 VALUE
The Community You’ve Been Craving!
Accountability & support are key factors that help us get results fast. This community is a safe space full of entrepreneurs on the same journey towards crushing their goals. You’ll be among friends!
The coaching, accountability, and support inside this 3-day event are valued at $1390+
You Get It All For FREE!
Read this before you go!
I know how difficult it is to start and maintain a business. We pour so much of our selves into it. After all, it is our passion and our purpose!

I also know how it is to feel stuck, not sure which path to take. I hustled and hustled until my physical health was literally on the line.

When I finally stepped out of the old, broken methods that were putting me in an early grave, I was able to fully step into y calling. I let go of the mindset that i had to work tirelessly in order to succeed and I was able to rewire my brain for actual success.

Let me help you. My greatest joy in life is seeing entrepreneurs live their life to the fullest and on their own terms.

Lots of love,

“Dr. Shannon is a passionate go-getter. She takes massive action and is helping others to do the same!”

- Amy Porterfield

“I now understand my brain’s role in my business...

I have more free time with less guilt. I'm infinitely richer in the things that matter and my business is moving in a much healthier, sustainable, and liberating direction thanks to what I learned from Dr. Shannon.”

 -Kathrine McAleese - Lacy

“I can directly associate over 2.5 million dollars in business growth in the first 6 months of working with Dr. Shannon and this program. It’s massively moved the needle for me in terms of my productivity, in terms of my mindset, and in terms of the results that I’m getting in not only my business, but also my life.”
-Carl Allen

“I have an outline of how I am going to achieve my goals...

I was in a negative spiral. My business took a huge hit that literally destroyed my self-belief and confidence. I struggled constantly with impostor syndrome and FOMO.

My experience working with Dr. Shannon is nothing short of exciting. I am much more hopeful and I am excited to get to work now because I have a literal step-by-step plan of how I am going to achieve my goals.”

-Matthew Cox

“Shannon really helps us Automate successful thinking -she has got some really incredible tricks up her sleeve!"

- Pat Flynn

"I'm building momentum every day!

Dr. Shannon has been a game-changer for me. I’ve always been driven, but I didn’t have a framework for setting and accomplishing goals. Now I build momentum every single day. Dr. Shannon Irvine really gets how the brain works and has helped me overcome what’s been holding me back since childhood."

- Melissa Monte
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